Humor Menu
The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. Ecclesiastes 1:1-2
- Administratium: A New Element Discovered
- Amoeba Follies
- Bob's School of Quantum Mechanics
- The Cartoon Laws of Physics
- Cat Carrier
- Chemowocky
- Chocolate is Faster than Aspirin
- Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Christmas Diet Lament
- Coalition to Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide
- Computer Repair Form (Suggested)
- A Cowboy's Guide to Life
- Customer Support conversation
- Dark Suckers, not Light Emitters
- The Dead Grandmother/Exam Syndrome and the Potential Downfall Of American Society. (offsite)
- Descriptions of Co-workers
- The Evolution of Word Problems
- Final Exam
- Gift Certificate for Jack Kervorkian's services
- Governmentium: A New Element Discovered
- How to Give a Bath to a Cat
- How to Give a Pill to a Cat and a Dog
- Gumperson's Law
- Hamlet for First Grade
- Haikus for Windows
- It's not Luck, it's the Law
- Job Description of a Teacher
- Life's Rules
- Map of a Cat's Brain
- Mental Abilities Test
- Metric Conversion Chart
- Murphy's Technology Laws
- (Non)Biblical Proverbs
- The Parable of the Classroom
- A Physics Story that's True
- The Professor from Hell
- "Proof" that One Equals Two
- Real Student Mistakes
- Reasons Why My Grade Should be Raised
- Recently Discovered Elements
- Santa from an Engineer's Viewpoint
- Science Citation Chain Letter
- The Six Phases of a Project
- Snoopy Through the Week
- State Mandated Testing for Dentists
- Stress Diet
- The Structure of Education
- Student Problem Solving Guide
- Survivor, Education Style
- Teachers have Attention Deficit Disorder too!
- Teacher's Lament
- Top Ten Reasons to be a Teacher
- Training Courses for Men and Women
- Some pieces which slam administrators
- Why Ignorance Rises to the Executive Level
- You might be a Redneck Jedi Knight . . .