A Demonstration concerning the Motion of Light,
communicated from Paris

by Olaf (Ole) Roemer
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
No. 136; June 25, 1677

Page 893

Page 894

The diagram referred to in the translation appears on p. 234 of the French original, just below.

Demonstration tovchant le mouvement de la lumiere trouvé par M. Römer de l' Academie Royale des Sciences

December 7, 1676

Page 233

Page 234

Page 235

Page 236

Recommended Reading

The Greatest Speed (1986). S.R. Filonovich. Mir Publishers: Moscow (Imported Publications, Inc., 320 W. Ohio Street, Chicage, Ill. 60610)

van Helden, Albert. "Roemer's Speed of Light." Journal for the History of Astronomy. vol 14, p. 137-141 (1983).

Olaf (Ole) Roemer (1644-1710)